Shockwave Therapy Leeds

Non-Surgical Solutions to Persistent Problems

Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive technology that delivers sound waves to affected areas of the body to stimulate a healing process. Shockwave therapy has become widely accepted in clinical practice for the treatment of chronic soft tissue injuries. 

Whether your injury, pain or chronic condition has been caused by wear and tear of daily activities, exercise, pregnancy, ageing or accidents, musculoskeletal disorders and soft tissue injuries can be debilitating. At Morley Chiropractic Clinic we take a low-impact non-surgical route which allows for speedy recovery.

Clinically Proven

Shockwave Therapy is clinically proven, recognised by top orthopaedic hospitals and used by high profile professional sports bodies.

What are Shockwaves?

Shock waves are high energy, audible sound waves which are transmitted to the affected area to stimulate healing by increasing blood flow, putting cells into recovery mode. Shockwave has pain relieving effect and stimulates repair and regeneration.

Is Shockwave Therapy Safe?

Yes! It has NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) guidelines for a large number of conditions as an effective treatment modality. Shockwave therapy performed by qualified therapists is a largely risk-free and side-effect free method of treating musculoskeletal conditions and chronic pain.

Is Shockwave Therapy Painful?

A patient may experience mild discomfort to begin with. However the treatment is delivered, with a low amount of energy first, gradually increasing the strength as the patient gets used to it. Shockwave Therapy creates an analgesic effect and many patients report relief following a treatment.

What Conditions can be Treated With Shockwave Therapy?

  • Achilles Tendonopathy
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Patellar Tendonitis (Runners Knee)
  • Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splints)
  • Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow
  • Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Calcific Tendonitis
  • Chronic Back Pain

How Many Sessions are Required?

One would typically need an assessment to see how many would be recommended. The average patient needs between 3 and 5 sessions.

How Much Does Shockwave Therapy Cost?

We provide Shockwave Therapy as an addition to our other treatments. As such it has a supplemental cost of £15 on top of the other treatment cost.

At Morley Chiropractic Clinic we serve patients from Leeds, Wakefield and Bradford, as well as further afield. To find out more about shockwave therapy, or any of our treatments, please contact us.

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Contact Us

0113 238 3693

Bruntcliffe Road
West Yorkshire
LS27 0LQ

Opening Times

  • Monday: 8am to 7pm
  • Tuesday: 8am to 7pm
  • Wednesday: 8am to 7pm
  • Thursday: 8am to 7pm
  • Friday: 8am to 6pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed